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1985, Vol. 57, Issue 5

7th International Symposium on Carotenoids, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany, 27–31 August 1984

This conference is part of the Carotenoids series.
W. Rau
p. iv [Details] [Full text - pdf 13 kB]
Carotenoid structures, old and new problems
C. H. Eugster
p. 639 [Details] [Full text - pdf 181 kB]
Carotenoids of lower plants - recent progress
S. Liaaen-Jensen
p. 649 [Details] [Full text - pdf 282 kB]
New structures of carotenoids in marine animals
T. Matsuno
p. 659 [Details] [Full text - pdf 169 kB]
Carotenogenic enzymes from Neurospora
U. Mitzka-Schnabel
p. 667 [Details] [Full text - pdf 205 kB]
Carotenogenic enzymes from phycomyces
P. M. Bramley
p. 671 [Details] [Full text - pdf 49 kB]
Carotenogenic enzymes from Capsicum chromoplasts
Bilal Camara
p. 675 [Details] [Full text - pdf 82 kB]
Carotenoid metabolism in animals: a biochemist's view
B. H. Davies
p. 679 [Details] [Full text - pdf 109 kB]
Absorption, retention and metabolic transformations of carotenoids in rainbow trout, salmon and chicken
K. Schiedt, F. J. Leuenberger, M. Vecchi and E. Glinz
p. 685 [Details] [Full text - pdf 223 kB]
Biodegradation of carotenoids - an important route to aroma compounds
C. Enzell
p. 693 [Details] [Full text - pdf 212 kB]
Stable isotopes in carotenoid biochemistry
G. Britton
p. 701 [Details] [Full text - pdf 174 kB]
Retinoids: an overview of some natural carotenoid metabolites and their synthetic analogs
Fritz Frickel
p. 709 [Details] [Full text - pdf 110 kB]
Carotenoids and cancer prevention - experimental and epidemiological studies
M. M. Mathews-Roth
p. 717 [Details] [Full text - pdf 138 kB]
Carotenoids in photosynthesis
R. J. Cogdell
p. 723 [Details] [Full text - pdf 89 kB]
Carotenoids in plant photoprotection
E. L. Schrott
p. 729 [Details] [Full text - pdf 351 kB]
Advances in the synthesis of optically active carotenoids
H. Pfander
p. 735 [Details] [Full text - pdf 133 kB]
Synthetic advances in the carotenoid field
E. Widmer
p. 741 [Details] [Full text - pdf 319 kB]
The synthesis of 13C-labelled retinals
J. Lugtenburg
p. 753 [Details] [Full text - pdf 260 kB]
Recent advances in double bond formation
M. Julia
p. 763 [Details] [Full text - pdf 128 kB]
Bioorganic studies with rhodopsin
K. Nakanishi
p. 769 [Details] [Full text - pdf 277 kB]
Mechanism of photoregulation of carotenoid biosynthesis in plants
W. Rau
p. 777 [Details] [Full text - pdf 454 kB]
Resonance Raman spectroscopy of carotenoids and carotenoid-containing systems
J. C. Merlin
p. 785 [Details] [Full text - pdf 203 kB]
HPLC - a powerful tool in carotenoid research
P. Ruedi
p. 793 [Details] [Full text - pdf 198 kB]
NMR of carotenoids - new experimental techniques
G. Englert
p. 801 [Details] [Full text - pdf 556 kB]