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Pure Appl. Chem., 1987, Vol. 59, No. 12, pp. 1613-1626

Bridgehead double bonds

J. Michl, J. G. Radziszewski, J. W. Downing, Jan Kopecky, Piotr Kaszynski and R. D. Miller

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  • Bassioni Ghada, Köhler Frank H.: Metalation of 9-Oxabicyclo[3.3.1]nonadiene – the Deprotonation Path to Bridgehead Olefins. Eur J Org Chem 2006, 2006, 2795. <>
  • Hirai Katsuyuki, Tomioka Hideo, Okazaki Takao, Tokunaga Kazuhiko, Kitagawa Toshikazu, Takeuchi Ken'ichi: Laser flash photolysis of 3-noradamantyl(phenyl)diazomethane: generation, detection and kinetics of 2-phenyladamantene. J Phys Org Chem 1999, 12, 165. <<165::AID-POC128>3.0.CO;2-N>
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  • Okazaki Takao, Tokunaga Kazuhiko, Kitagawa Toshikazu, Takeuchi Ken’ichi: Generation and Reactivity of 2-Substituted Adamantenes. Bull Chem Soc Jpn 1999, 72, 549. <>
  • Okazaki Takao, Isobe Hiroshi, Kitagawa Toshikazu, Takeuchi Ken’ichi: Generation and Reactions of 2-(1-Adamantyl)adamantene. Rearrangement to 3-(1-Adamantyl)-4-protoadamantylidene. Bull Chem Soc Jpn 1996, 69, 2053. <>
  • Shea K.J., Cooper David K., England W.P., Ziller Joseph W., Lease Timothy G.: Structural studies of bridgehead alkenes. The x-ray crystal structure of 3-oxabicyclo[5.3.1]deca-1(10)7,(8)-(ZZ)-diene-10-carboxylic acid. Tetrahetron Lett 1990, 31, 6843. <>
  • Fabian Jürgen, Zahradník Rudolf: Auf der Suche nach tieffarbigen organischen Verbindungen. Angew Chem 1989, 101, 693. <>
  • Nikanorov V.A., Bakhmutov V.I., Galakhov M.V., Sergeev S.V., Stepanova E.V., Yanovsky A.I., Struchkov Yu.T., Rozenberg V.I., Reutov O.A.: Redox-rotational phenomena in organometallic chemistry. Unique features of the crystal structure and stereodynamic behaviour of acetylacetonato- and cyclopentadienylrhodium complexes with potentially dipolar two-ring semiquinoid ligands in solution. J Organomet Chem 1988, 358, 463. <>