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International Conference on Chemical Physics on the Border of 21st century, Moscow, Russia, 16–19 April 1996

A. E. Shilov
N. N. Semnov and the chemistry of 20th century (to 100th anniversary of his birth)
1997, Vol. 69, Issue 4, pp. 857-864 [Details] [Full text - pdf 731 kB]
K. I. Zamaraev
Chemical physics and catalysis
1997, Vol. 69, Issue 4, pp. 865-876 [Details] [Full text - pdf 1185 kB]
V. I. Goldanskii
Non-traditional pathways of solid-phase astrochemical reactions
1997, Vol. 69, Issue 4, pp. 877-892 [Details] [Full text - pdf 936 kB]
V. E. Fortov and I. V. Lomonosov
Thermodynamics of extreme states of matter
1997, Vol. 69, Issue 4, pp. 893-904 [Details] [Full text - pdf 809 kB]