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1989, Vol. 61, Issue 4

Ninth International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry, Regensburg, Federal Republic of Germany, 21–26 August 1988

This conference is part of the Physical Organic Chemistry series.
Kinetics and reaction mechanisms: selected examples from the experience of forty years
R. Huisgen
p. 613 [Details] [Full text - pdf 828 kB]
Stilbene photocycloaddition reactions: ion pair and electron transfer dynamics
K. S. Peters, S. A. Angel and E. O’Driscoll
p. 629 [Details] [Full text - pdf 315 kB]
Resonance interactions in acyclic systems
K. B. Wiberg, C. M. Breneman, K. E. Laidig and R. E. Rosenberg
p. 635 [Details] [Full text - pdf 572 kB]
Ab initio and empirical computations of mechanism and stereoselectivity
K. N. Houk
p. 643 [Details] [Full text - pdf 457 kB]
Variations of molecular geometry from electron diffraction
I. Hargittai
p. 651 [Details] [Full text - pdf 689 kB]
Design of low-energy barrier intramolecular rearrangements by fitting stereoelectronic requirements of reaction paths
V. I. Minkin
p. 661 [Details] [Full text - pdf 867 kB]
Design and surface synchrotron X-ray structure analysis of Langmuir films for crystal nucleation
E. M. Landau, S. G. Wolf, J. Segiv, M. Deutsch, K. Kjaer, J. Als-Nielsen, L. Leiserowitz and M. Lahav
p. 673 [Details] [Full text - pdf 2319 kB]
Generation of elusive neutrals and dications by neutralization resp. Charge stripping of monocations in beam experiments
H. Schwarz
p. 685 [Details] [Full text - pdf 444 kB]
Interstellar organic chemistry and other applications of gas phase ion-morecule chemistry
C. H. DePuy
p. 693 [Details] [Full text - pdf 373 kB]
Applications of dynamic NMR spectroscopy to the dissociation of chemical bonds in organic, organometallic, and coordination compounds
M. Ōki
p. 699 [Details] [Full text - pdf 591 kB]
Electron and charge demands of stabilizing groups in carbanions and nitroanions: the NMR approach
Silvia Bradamante and G. A. Pagani
p. 709 [Details] [Full text - pdf 571 kB]
Radical thermochemistry and organic reactions
David Griller and D. D. M. Wayner
p. 717 [Details] [Full text - pdf 560 kB]

IUPAC Technical Reports and Recommendations

Nomenclature for organic chemical transformations (Recommendations 1988)
R. A. Y. Jones and J. F. Bunnett
p. 725 [Details] [Full text - pdf 2401 kB]
Definitions of terms relating to crystalline polymers (Recommendations 1988)
G. Allegra, P. Corradini, H.-G. Elias, P. H. Geil, H. D. Keith and B. Wunderlich
p. 769 [Details] [Full text - pdf 669 kB]